Entity Sync

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Want to push entities on change to websocket clients while scaling horizontally? The goal of this library is to make that easy. Wire Entity Sync into your application and you can keep clients up to date. Each client can subscribe to particular entities. You can change something on one server and all the websocket clients subscribed in the cluster will be pushed the updated entity.




Server setup

Connect the server to EntitySync. Wire the your mux to the bridge and provide a method that can resolve an EntityKey.

// Provide a configuration
config := es.Config{
    Mux:     mux.NewRouter(),
    NSQAddr: *nsqAddr,
//Setup entitySync with that configuration
entitySync := es.Setup(config)

//Register an entity and tell the library how to fetch and what to write to the client
entitySync.RegisterEntityAndDBHandler(entityType, func(entityKey shared.EntityKey, secret string, handler shared.ByteHandler) {
    item := fetch(entityKey)
    b, _ := json.Marshal(item)

//Start a listener and provide the mux for routes / handling
l, _ = net.Listen("tcp", *listenLocal)
http.Serve(l, config.Mux)

Connect clients

Connect any number of clients:

  1. Connect to the server over websocket ws://host:port/ws/entity-sync/
  2. Send a subscription request
    "action": "subscribe",
    "body": {
        "id": "100",
        "entity": "items"

Mutate entity & notify

Make some change to the item in question where it is persisted and then call bridge.NotifyAllOfChange(entityKey) where entityKey is a shared.EntityKey.

All connected clients over websockets will receive messages for the EntityKey/s to which they are subscribed.

Sending a secret from the client

    "action": "secret",
    "body": "my-super-secret-secret-123"

Other examples

Sending multiple rows to the client

entitySync.RegisterEntityAndDBHandler("report", func(entityKey shared.EntityKey, secret string, handler shared.ByteHandler) {
    item := controller.GetReportByID(entityKey.ID)
    b, _ := json.Marshal(item)
    user := controller.GetUserByID(item.CreatedBy)
    b, _ = json.Marshal(user)

    department := controller.GetDeparmentByID(item.departmentID)
    b, _ = json.Marshal(department)

Checking if a user is allowed to receive the push notification

entitySync.RegisterEntityAndDBHandler("report", func(entityKey shared.EntityKey, secret string, handler shared.ByteHandler) {
    session, err := contoller.GetSessionBySecret(secret)
    if err != nil {
    item := controller.GetReportByID(entityKey.ID)
    b, _ := json.Marshal(item)

Provide your own queue

EntitySync is built using NSQ. In theory you can use whatever you like. You will need to provide two functions to the library. The one will allow it to produce a publisher and return a method that will be called to publish. The other is a subscriber and is provided a method for sending.

var queueAddr = "localhost:4000"

func setup() {
    mux := http.NewServeMux()
    databaseHub := esdb.NewDatabaseHub()
    // The bridge matches communication from ws to nsq and from nsq to ws.
    // It also calls on the db to resolve entityKey
    bridge := esbridge.BuildBridge(
    //Pass the mux and a client builder to the libraries handlers
    esweb.SetupMuxBridge(mux, bridge.ClientBuilder)

var BuildPublisher shared.AddressableEntityHandler = func(addr string) shared.EntityHandler {
	return func(entityType shared.EntityType) shared.ByteHandler {
		return func(b []byte) {
			//TODO: setup the publisher client
			qPublisher.publish(entityType.GetQueueName(), b)

var BuildSubscriber shared.AddressableEntityByteHandler = func(addr string) shared.EntityByteHandler {
	return func(entityType shared.EntityType, callback shared.ByteHandler) {
		func subscribeNSQ(qAddr string, entityType shared.EntityType, f shared.ByteHandler) {
		}(qArr, entityType, f func(b []byte {
			//TODO: connect to the nats client
			natsHandler(in []byte) {

Pass through ws

You can provide a method that will allow for pass-through handling of websocket messages.

// Provide a configuration
config := es.Config{
    Mux:            mux.NewRouter(),
    NSQAddr:        *nsqAddr,
    WSPassThrough:  func(secret string, b []byte) {
    	//TODO: handle incoming websocket message
//Setup entitySync with that configuration
entitySync := es.Setup(config)

//Register an entity and tell the library how to fetch and what to write to the client
entitySync.RegisterEntityAndDBHandler(entityType, func(entityKey shared.EntityKey, secret string, handler shared.ByteHandler) {
    item := fetch(entityKey)
    b, _ := json.Marshal(item)

//Start a listener and provide the mux for routes / handling
l, _ = net.Listen("tcp", *listenLocal)
http.Serve(l, config.Mux)